I just, .....I just, ..... can’t explain
My current mental state I’m starting to find hard to maintain
My main aim
My main game
My same way
Are falling
And I feel like I’m losin it
I’m just trying
With all I am - to be good
To, do that thing I’m sure I’m sure I thought I should
To do right, to be nice, to live life
And be a really good guy
To keep my head high
To seek to know why
To speak truth and not lie
But to lie
Myself down
For the sake of my brother
And if the opportunity arises maybe even my enemy
But its killing me
Ok, so I exaggerate
As I dig deeper in the this pit of shit I uncovered
And fell in
And now I stink
I feel, I feel, I
Na, that’s not right for me to right
Coz that would require me to actually feel something
Yet at this moment I feel nothing
And I’m left to ask.....
“why do the good die young?
Why do dickheads have all the fun?
Why is when there’s work to do there’s no one
Yet if they want something, there’s, everyone
And while I’m asking
Why to beautiful girls date idiot horrible guys just coz they look a bit kool?
And why did I fail at school?
And why, did I never listen
to the advice of those beside that left me behind to clime high?
Matter of fact – why do i even try?
Like I said
I was honestly just simply trying to do good
Make a choice that might someday result in some next guy having a slightly better life
And maybe – one day someone, might just remember me
For one tiny good deed?
But right now it’s hard to see if even one of these steps might be right
I’m so deep in this hole I cant barely see light
So why fight?
Then someone hands me a letter
It says
Dear you (me)
I am them, him her, everybody, every conversation you didn’t here and every situation you didn’t see
I just want you to know while you’re stuck in the whole - you gave me a foot up so I could roll
And, you didn’t fail school
You might not have the grade
but you stood tall and brave and
Learned from mistakes
And moved on
That time you said “you should listen to this song?”
Well - that helped
That time you lent me £2.40, to me that was big, it was sharing wealth
I see its hard where your living
Knowing somehow your trying but just not fitting
But when I was that guy I want you to know, you helped me and gave me a hand
Writing to me, helped keep me sane
Visiting me, blew my brain
Those kind words didn’t go unheard
They helped me play the game
I know the roads tuff
Like you say
Son, keep ya head up
Even though you can’t see
keep climbing and think of me
be sure - You’re doing enuff!
Matter of fact a little too much
Learn from your mistakes, don’t let them define you
Don’t worry about what people think and looking kool
Do what YOU do.
It doesn’t go unnoticed
Don’t! Throw this
Roll with this
Go with this
Work on this
When it gets hard don’t quit
Pray hard and learn from it
So next time you don’t make the same mistake with it
Trust me
You got this
But that thing you said - about the girls and the idiot guys........yeah, I know what you’re saying, I cant answer it?????
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