So one week down. First week Left to our own way of thinking and working and dealing and meeting and... Well you get the picture.
Its tuff it’s challenging, it’s hard, the tails are brutal at times, heart warming on occasions but heart breaking mostly. I have also embarked on a mission to find the best breakfast on Colchester. If you would like to join me in my quest please feel free to contact me.
Today we sat in the prayer room before boiler room lunch and this guy asked me “what are you thankful for” the first response was easy “Jesus” I guess in a prayer room that’s often the first thing that springs to mind. The next was Tina, but I didn’t feel like it was the right time and place to share that story with my new finely (again) So I thought for a while and I said “to be able to do something” You know it’s such a privilege to be able to do something for the Boss.
Yeah I don’t really know what I’m doing, most of the time the stories seem too much, the offer of a cup of tea seems all too small. But what a privilege to be in a place to do something, something that God has been preparing you for.
I sat with my pal Jonsie for breakfast at the weekend and as we chatted about the coming year and the possibilities and we had to laugh. We had to laugh remembering that at that very moment 2 years previous we had just embarked on an adventure that would though us into God and out into the world. To be honest if we had talked about the things we casually chatted about over breakfast then (two years ago) it would have been ridiculous. But now having trusted even not knowing how what or even why. I felt SOOO privileged to not just look back, but to look forward too.
I just read this last week
Romans 4-5 (the message) But if you see that the job is too big for you, that it's something only God can do, and you trust him to do it—you could never do it for yourself no matter how hard and long you worked—well, that trusting-him-to-do-it is what gets you set right with God, by God. Sheer gift.
So better get trusting some more ay?