Thus my inauguration into something that has become an integral part of my life. Community meals, house meals, community dinner, eating together, sharing hospitality. I guess you could say I have been around this since young. I remember my parent once making a new year’s resolution to invite someone from the church (someone they didn’t know so well) every month for an entire year. I think they did it.
All these experiences have been rich, even this weekend I have enjoyed sharing community dinner with my new family in Colchester. However today’s outing was different. As I sat around the table with 4 guys, 4 guys that have had it ruff, that the world has given up on and would prefer if they were locked up for good, I couldn’t help but feel like they all deserved the best dinner ever. As we shared our ‘best’s’ and ‘worst’s’ of the week. I began to wonder if a simple community meal, as in Jesus’ time, really did communicate something of the Good news of Jesus.
Monday night = community meal night, long may they continue. Long may the gospel of peace grace and forgiveness flow through them. Amen
Just for a little nostalgia
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