Sunday 9 August 2009

did you indeed, squeeze it like a lemon?

Have you ever stood in the shadow of greatness?
Have you stood in the beauty of creation and had your breath literally taken away?
And then, have you ever walk the streets of desperation, looked into the face of the poor and been able to say ‘’blessed are you’’ Mire si vini Gjakova. I’ve had the privilege, honour and pleasure of spending 3 months of my life watching, as in the face of crippling poverty, in the hearts of the hopeless and in the eyes of the broken. God, is building his kingdom. In the centre of the city, in the park by the hotel stands a tree. In the midst on the concrete, and the people and the noise stands a natural creation of God and God would say ‘’See, I am building my kingdom here; it is taking root, it begging to be seen. Maybe it doesn’t look like it should be here, but trust me, it is. Now, help me build it’’
When people ask about Kosova what will I say? When they remark on the rich and poor divide, on the children on the rubbish dump looking for plastic to sell at 15 cents a kilo. When they what to know about the effects of war on a country in our own life time. When I’m asked how the church can go to a family with nothing to offer but a prayer how will I respond. All I can say is this; I have bore whiteness to soldiers, young bold soldiers, plane clothed, normal looking, everyday soldiers. Who have a fire in their eyes and a passion in their hearts, who come from these same desperate streets and return to them at the end of every night. Who’s very lives scream Jesus, who through prayer and petition present their request to God because to them, he is the only answer. I’ve seen how God is building his kingdom here, and its through love, it’s through hope and its through the offer of something more, not food or money or a quick way out of the poverty trap. But life, life to the full, living water and blinding light that outshines every last shred of darkness.
Did you put in? I think I did, did you pull your weight?, yeah. Were you able to bless out of a place of abundance? Thanks to God, yes. What about culture did you engage and immerse without being moulded. I like to think so. What about stories, what can you tell?

Well, this morning a lady came to church holding a baby, the same baby I held just a few weeks before, the stay at home wife of a Muslim man. She was at church today and heard the story of Jesus! What more can you say

Maybe there were times when I could have tried just a little harder, maybe there was a conversation missed. Maybe more work and effort could have been put it the language. Maybe

But when I’m asked ‘’Steve, did you indeed, squeeze it like a lemon’’ I can honestly say, with the inspiration of good people, with wise words having been offered, with God at the centre of it all. ‘’Yes my friends, I think I did’’

And in all things, as a really good friend of mine reminded me ‘’Not to us, not to us oh God but to your name be the glory’’

Zoti ju bekoft

1 comment:

  1. Steve..... well done good and faithful servant. A niche carved in your heart which will forever mark your journey in this life. What will it bring? I believe we will see fruit both for you and those you have served there. This will not be the last time you see this place - it is at least in the engravings of your heart and at most in the poetry where you weave the message that they tell.
    See you when you get back
