Tuesday 2 June 2009

Acts chapter one, and a bit of two if your still interested

Yesterday I asked Pastor and Mrs Berisha out to lunch to review (it’s what us work folks like to do to make sure were on our game and don’t get fired) Also I’ve been thinking and observing to see what if anything I could bring to the table. Well the Gods story thing I think is still pressing . When you haven’t got the words to say trust in the word that breaths life yeah? (that sounds so corny). The guys here are kool and love the gospel but are all at really different stages of understanding of the word. I figured if we could put some kind of bible studding in place it would encourage people to read (hopefully) help people understand a bit deeper, give some insight into really being a follower of the way. Completely. Also it could be a paten that continues in home groups, which they would really like to do one day.
So we decided on, rather than the whole bible, we go for Acts, its a good place to start right? So in typical Kosovar tradition, he says good idea, shall we start tomorrow. I’m a little taken back but at this stage not shocked so set to work. Oh we also discussed prayer and the importance. How it is essential to our walk with God, not coz we get stuff but because it draws us closer to him. We talked about some teaching and church then 12 or 24 hours of prayer. They seem well up for it. Good times. But we’ll talk about that another time

So tonight we had our first bible study, the age range was old to young. When I say young, I mean 7. When I say old I mean 70 oh yes (give or take) So we jumped in, bit of background, author, dates reason, social setting (all learning styles gained directly from legendary bible scholar Daniel Jones) then we got into it. I think it went ok, some were defo into it, other were obviously not, but ya can’t please all the people all the time, right?.

So I though it went ok, but, Judge for yourselves by the questions that were asked at the end

‘’What do you think about the holly spirit, do you receive it when you receive Jesus or is it separate?’’
What bout baptism is being baptised in water simultaneous to being baptised by the spirit’’
‘’was Luke and acts one book first?’’
‘’If a man is bad all his life then accepts Jesus just before he dies will he go to heaven?’’
‘’If a family is cursed with a curse that passes from generation to generation, like it says in the bible, can it be broken?’’
Tragically I didn’t get to answer the last question but needless to say the guy who asked was quite interesting. I think we may have coffee with him in a few days.

I wasn’t sure people would be up for it but everyone said we could do it again next week

Kool roll on chapter 2.75.


  1. go on Stevie .... do it again. I'm sure the scholars who read this will give you their insights into the questions asked.
    Bet you could answer most of them though .....

  2. Bang on Stevie! I like it!!
