Friday 5 June 2009

A proverbial slap in the face

So the English are hear, they’ve been doing a lot of really good stuff.
We had a kids program to do in a village last night. Faton and kymalina were with the English guys so I went with the church team, which was kool. It’s always interesting coz I’m like a lost child, not knowing what’s actually going on. But it was kool.
At one point in the proceeding, I was over to one side and got kinda into a conversation with some of the older guys late 20’s early 30’s from the village (you know the ones who aren’t part of what’s going on, but seem to just be there, seeing what’s going on). They didn’t speak any English, but we had a conversation, one of the team looked over at one point and I gave a little smile, like ‘’Oh yeah, check me out, I’m engaging with the locals’’

So on the way home this same person turned to me and said ‘’you have good time, you speak with young man from village? I was like ‘’Yeah’’, feeling quite pleased with myself. Then they said, in the simplest terms and without even thinking about it, but in complete honesty and perfectly naturally ‘’you share for God?’’
It was like being slapped in the face again. A wake up call from the very guy who sent me here. The morning before one of the guys had shared about taking every opportunity. Something I myself have even shared on with people. I kinda shook it off by saying ‘’oh, they didn’t really speak English’’. But I was shaken, in all my efforts to fit in, to engage, to be, I hadn’t even considered God, Or at the very least, thought about how to say do you believe in Jesus?
This simple 4 word phrase is reshaping me, I’m sure it always should but right now, today it’s taken me back to a place of re thinking and prioritising. Which is a good place to be. I think?


  1. It is amazing how those words just slip in and catch you unawares. God has a way of doing that no matter where, or who you are

  2. Hi steve great to read what you are doing, sounds great. All i would say is don't be so hard on yourself, we are the aroma of christ. And sometimes it speaks volumes to people that were interested in them. Well done keep up the good work. Janet Godward

  3. Sure .... read about the disciples and Jesus - they didn't even have a curve to learn on! BUT they got there in the end (even then with a few bloomers)and thousands were saved
